THREE WORDS: Holy Hotness Batman…three more words: all mah cries ;_;MY REVIEW: I really enjoyed Half-Blood (First Covenant Novel), but I really really really (yes, three really’s!) enjoyed Pure. Jennifer Armentrout has once again offered readers a book made of win with awesome-sauce on top!Pure picks up shortly after Half-Blood with Alex back in school at the Covenant, as well as continuing her training with Aiden and Seth. Alex tries to move past her grief for her mother, while at the same time dealing with her very strong feelings for Aiden and very conflicted feelings for Seth. Throw in some half-blood daimons killing pures, wary classmates, furies, asshat Council members and a helluva lot of heartache and you get one real fun time for Alex.Breathless. Aching. Captivated. Desperate for more…this is how Pure left me long after closing the book. Jennifer Armentrout continues to expand and brilliantly craft Alex’s world of Greek mythology, action and romance, and makes it look effortless (which it clearly is not!). In Pure, we delve deeper into the world of pures and half-bloods, and deeper still into the mind and heart of Alex.Like the first Covenant novel, Pure is told from Alex’s point of view and I’m glad it is. I really like seeing this world and its people through Alex’s eyes; it’s almost like I’m experiencing these things with her and not just reading about them. Pure moves a little slower than Half-Blood but is still action packed. Overall, the story paces nicely and definitely held my attention.Armentrout’s world-building and character development continue to impress me. I love how very well the mythological elements and action blends with the more emotional elements, including the romance; it never feels as if only one of these aspects takes center stage, creating a very balanced story. There’s plenty of action to thrill and chill readers, with a bumload of twists and mystery to keep you on your toes. While some plotlines are a bit predictable, overall, the story had me guessing until the end. And I’m still musing over certain characters and subplots…I have lots and lots of theories and I cannot wait to see if any of them are right!Once again, Arementrout’s superbly developed and layered characters simply shine. It took a bit of time for Alex and I to connect in Half-Blood but now she and I are total BFF’s and kindred spirits. As kick-butt and sassy as ever Alex is continues to be a relatable and realistic heroine. I love just how complex and dimensional she is. I feel like I really know her and her strength, passion and humor, yet she still surprises me, which is awesome. Armentrout’s exploration of Alex’s grief, conflicted romantic feelings and her confusing emotions (both fear and excitement) over her burgeoning Apollyon powers is really well written and achingly so.I’m still complete giggly, gaga eyed goo for Aiden, but like I predicted, Seth has worked his way under my skin. Although there’s clearly a love triangle between Alex, Aiden and Seth, Armentrout has done a wonderful job of actually creating two believable and different relationships between Alex/Aiden and Alex/Seth. And there’s some electric, enticing, hot (way hot) chemistry between Alex and both boys *fans self*. I really love the fact that even though I’m Team Aiden right now, I totally get the whole Alex/Seth thing and I’m completely intrigued by their relationship.Pure took me on an emotional rollercoaster and had me laughing one minute, then crying or biting my lip in anticipation the next minute. The last couple of chapters are gasp-worthy, explosive and had me Oh. My. Godsing.Oh, and I'm totally loving that most of the series so far has taken place in NC (my homestate!). It was fun getting to read about Alex and Aiden at the Asheboro Zoo, a place I've been to many, many times (I'll be going there next month!). MY FINAL THOUGHTS: At this point, I would read a pamphlet on proper Oral Hygiene if Jennifer Armentrout wrote it (and I’m sure it would feature a kick-ass toothbrush hero who fought the evil Cavity Creatures and went up against the Gum Disease Overload…and wore a cape), cause she’s really that talented and entertaining. And this book is proof of that! Pure is a fantastic second novel in what is turning out to be a phenomenal series. I will be counting down the days until I get to read the third book.Read the complete and original review at Word Spelunking