Word Spelunking

Warrior Prince (Ondine Quartet, #2.5) - Emma Raveling Oh, Tristan, how I love thee so *sigh* . I love reading scenes from different character perspectives and Tristan's POV is so compelling. This compilation of scenes from Tristan's POV and some extra scenes is a superb edition to this excellent series. Even though many of the scenes are ones I've read before from Kendra's POV, they felt brand new in this novella, as they add so much complexity and so many layers to the story. And the brand new scenes taking place in Tristan's homeland are just awesome and we even meet a new intriguing character, Sian. Fans of the Ondine Quartet will love reading this compilation and getting inside Tristan's (yummy) head!

Currently reading

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Crest (Ondine Quartet, #3)
Emma Raveling